Hi, everyone. How are you today? Hope you're fine. 一去二三里,烟村四五家,亭台六七座,八九十枝花。大家一定很熟悉这首古诗,在中文里,复数用数词、二、三、四等来表示,那么英文名词是怎么表示复数的?具体来说表现形式是什么呢?
Now let's look at some pictures.
看图片, a book two books。 A ruler. Four rulers. Any razor, three erasers. An orange. Five oranges. A bus. Six buses. box seven boxes,大家是不是已经发现规律了?没错,英文中表示复数的方法就是在单词的末尾加s。同时我们也会注意到几个特殊的地方,比如说 bus 和box,末尾都是加1S,读作 buses boxes, bus buses, box boxes。那么名词变为复数时,什么情况加s?什么情况加ES?下面让我们来详细了解一下。
绝大多数的可数名词的复数形式是在该词末尾加上后缀s,例如,friend,FRIENDS,cat,cats, name names, rulers map maps desk desks。当可数名词以s,x,c,h,s, h 结尾时,我们要在该词末尾加上后缀e, s 构成复数 bus buses class classes box boxes。
Fox. Fox says watch what? Chase. Flash, flash chase. Okay, now let's look at the pictures. I will ask some questions about the things in the picture. Can you answer them? What's this? its a book what are these they are books whats that its a ruler what are those, they are rulers whats this its any razor what are they? Is they are erasers. What's that? It查看隐藏内容