12 Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy?(3)逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册

admin202024-01-05 22:54:50


hello boys and girls welcome to English class i am Kelly today, we will keep learning lesson four what kind of books will you buy。


同学们,今天我们将继续学习第四单元第三课时的内容,让我们一起来看今天的学习重点。同学们,在本课时,我们主要学习一篇阅读 trace 核心素养目标,语言能力一、能够理解讲述文章的起因、经过、结果,并能回答与课文内容有关的细节性问题。第二,根据图片与所给关键词复述故事。文化意识方面,保护环境人人有责,提升社会责任感、思维品质。能就作者的意图发表看法,说明理由。学习能力,乐于参与英语实践活动,遇到问题积极请教。


Alright, boys and girls, let's get started. Now. Look at this picture. I have some questions. look when do you always plant trees。 I always plant trees. on tree planting day。 Boys and girls, when is tree planting day? Yes, it's on March the 12th every year. You're right, class. It is tree planting day tomorrow. What will people do tomorrow? Let's watch a video.


It is tree planting day tomorrow. Many people will go up to the hills and plant. Trees can make the air clean. Animals and people can get food from them, too. But people are cutting down too many trees. That will bring about great changes in the weather. It will be too cold or too we

《12 Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy?(3)逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册》.doc