14 Lesson 5 Revision (2)逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册

admin202024-01-05 22:54:51


hello boys and girls welcome to kelles class this is a revision class。


同学们,今天仍然是一节复习课,让我们一起来看今天今天的复习内容。同学们本科时主要复习 revision exercises one to five,主要是进一步巩固强化前四个单元所学的内容。 lets begin。 First, let's have a revision about the words. I divided the words into four parts. Which part do you want to read?


2. Okay. Now, boys and girls, let's read the words together. Country strong, bookshop, crayon, China Saturday began. Bring about. Good job. Next part, which one do you want to choose? 4. Let's read. Sunny son, never cloudy air place win the strong. Good job. No. 1 or number three? Number three. This part I point and you read it.


Good job. The last part, number one. In this part, I say and you point. Are you ready? Let's begin. Cut down rain Hill, earth full of healthy lake. Map dry. Terrific. Boys and girls, you can read all the words. Look at this page. Listen and tick. First, let's read all the words together. 1, wind, windy. Well, 2, Saturday, sunny, summer. 3, wet, well, white.

《14 Lesson 5 Revision (2)逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册》.doc