10 Lesson 4 What's your name?(1)逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册

admin202024-01-05 22:57:00


Hi boys and girls, welcome to the English class. My name is Lexi. Glad to see you here. Today we are going to learn Lesson 4. What's your name? Let's talk. 同学们,本节课我们将一起学习一个新的对话,我们一起来看一下学习目标有哪些?语言能力方面,1。能理解基本的日常问候,能听懂指令并作出反应。能感知并说出询问名字的句式。文化意识方面,通过歌曲 whats your name 理解主题剧的意思。思维品质方面,能根据图片预测对话内容。学习能力方面,能在学习活动中尝试与他人合作,乐于和别人用英语交流。


Alright, let's get started. At first, Lexie wants to introduce a beautiful girl to you. Look, she is Anna. And what does Anna want to say? Listen carefully. Good morning. Nice to meet you. Hi, my name is Anna. Goodbye. Well, this time let's make a conversation between you and me. Listen carefully. Good morning. Nice to meet you. Hi, my name is Lexi. Goodbye. Okay, great job. And now Lexi has a question for you. What should I say if I want to know someone's name? Do you know? Good answers?


Now let's watch and find the answers. What's your name? I am Sam. I am Sam. What's her name? What's your name? C E. Sam. What's your name? I am Sam. I. I am Sam. What

《10 Lesson 4 What's your name?(1)逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册》.doc