26 Lesson 9 What colour is the cap?(2)逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册

admin212024-01-05 22:57:07


hello boys and girls welcome to English class i am Kelly today, we will keep learning lesson nine what color is the cap。


同学们,今天我们将继续学习第九单元第二课时的内容,这顶便帽是什么颜色的?让我们一起来看。今天主要学习内容。同学们,在本课时,我们的学习板块为 lets learn。学习内容包含两方面,重点词汇和重点句型。核心素养。总目标要求我们在语言能力方面做到以下两点,一、掌握词汇的音、形、意,并在语境中正确运用。第二,在语境中正确使用 what color is it。句型。文化意识,感知英文歌曲的音韵、节奏、思维品质,通过实验了解两种颜色混合后所发生的变化。学习能力,用英语与同学们积极交流物品的颜色。


Alright, boys and girls, let's get started. First, let's listen to a song together. i see red, i see green, i see yellow, i see blue, i see brown, i see orange, i see black and white what color its your blue, but color its red its red its a red blue。 Boys and girls, how many colors did you hear in the sun? There are 8 colors in the sun. What color is it? It's yellow. What color is it? It's blue. What color is it? Do you know? Today we are going to learn colors. Let's watch a video and learn.


What color is it? It's white. White, white, blue, blue, red, red, black, lack. Yellow, green, orange, Brown.



《26 Lesson 9 What colour is the cap?(2)逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册》.doc