27 Lesson 9 What colour is the cap?(3)逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册

admin192024-01-05 22:57:08


hello, boys and girls welcome to English class today, we will keep learning lesson nine what color is the cap。


同学们,今天我们将继续学习第9单元第三课时这顶便帽是什么颜色的?让我们一起来看今天的主要学习内容。同学们,在本课时,我们的学习板块为 lets read。学习内容包含以下两个方面,第一,学习五个辅音字母在单词中的发音。第二,学习元音字母 i 在闭音节单词中的发音。核心素养总目标语言能力一,感知字母。


g k c h r i 在。


单词中的发音。第二,感知简单的拼读规则,尝试借助拼读规则拼读单词文化意识,感知英文字母歌的音韵、节奏、思维品质,通过歌谣归纳总结元音字母 i 的发音学习能力。同学们要大胆的拼读单词,不怕出错。


Alright, boys and girls, let's begin our class. First, let's have a revision. I will show you some letters. Please tell me the letter sounds. Look at the first one. You can say, next, not LA, that, that, but but.


How do we pronounced this one? Now guys, show my fingers. I will say some words. Please listen. And point number one, lad, lad. Let the lad. Number two, fab. But Feb. Next, net net. Guys, look at the words. Can you read up? Please have a try. Boys and girls, look at these letters. Can you read up? How do we pronounce them? Do you know? Today we're going to learn the sounds of them. Let'

《27 Lesson 9 What colour is the cap?(3)逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册》.doc