15 Class 3 Textbook p.16-17_第1课时逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 教科版(EEC学院) · 上册

admin212024-01-05 22:59:52


Hello boys and girls, welcome to my class. I'm your new teacher, Miss Zhang. Nice to be here with you. Please get your English book ready. In this class, we will talk about where did you live and we will learn to confirm the directions of places. Are you ready? Let's start with a. Sun.


Oh where are you from. Tony, Martony Bora, I'm from China. I live in the north. Oh, where are you from, gentlemen? generate it im from Japan i live in the south。


oh where i find, Billy boy。 I'm from Britain. I live in the east. Oh, where are you from? Good, good. So good. From America. I.


Live in the west. Okay. What's the song about? Yes, it's about where are you from and the directions. Boys and girls, here, we have a new friend. Do you want to know where is she from? Please look at the picture and listen. Who's she? Where is she from?


Listen and speak. Good morning, class. We have a new friend here. This is Jenny Brown. She's from Canada. Where did you live in Canada?


I lived i

《15 Class 3 Textbook p.16-17_第1课时逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 教科版(EEC学院) · 上册》.doc