46 Unit 6 How Do You Like This One对话表演_第1课时逐字稿 小学 · 五年级 · 英语 · 教科版(EEC学院) · 上册

admin402024-01-05 23:05:54


Hello boys and girls. Welcome to our English class. I'm Miss Chen. Today we will learn Unit 6. How do you like this one? And it is the first class of this unit. I think we'll enjoy it. So let's go.


In our class today, we will learn the expressions. What color do you want? I want a blue shirt. How do you like? Oh, I like it. Well, I don't like it. I want with or without. And we will use the English to buy clothes and we can solve the problems in our real life. So let's begin our learning.


At first, boys and girls, I have a question. What do you do on your father's or mother's birthday? You buy a gift. Oh, you see a movie. Wow, you have a birthday party. Wonderful.


And the next, let's look at this picture. Okay, boys and girls, please look here. Who is he? Wonderful. He is Billy. And where is he? Wow, he is in a clothing store. And what does he want to do? Yes, maybe he wants to buy clothes. And whom does he want to buy clothes for? Let's listen to the story together. Oka查看隐藏内容

《46 Unit 6 How Do You Like This One对话表演_第1课时逐字稿 小学 · 五年级 · 英语 · 教科版(EEC学院) · 上册》.doc