32 Class 5 Textbook p.35_第2课时逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 教科版(EEC学院) · 上册

admin162024-01-05 23:07:23


hello boys and girls welcome to my English class im your new English teacher Mrs lee today, we are going to learn unit four i like music, by the end of the lesson you will be able to use structures, i like do you like to talk about what subject you like, are you ready for the class here we go,first, lets reveal some words, what subject is it, can you spell it?English? look at this picture? what subject is it?Chinese? how about this picture what subject is it,math?


now look at this picture, what subject is it? music please read after me music,music,music, do you like music? what subject is it?science? please follow me science,science, science science, do you like science? we have many subjects to learn at school, lets have a look,art,computer,PE, they are subjects, i like music i sing very well, please read after me i like music, i see very well, this is my friend Billy, which subject does he like lets listen, i like English i speak English very well oh he likes English he speak

《32 Class 5 Textbook p.35_第2课时逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 教科版(EEC学院) · 上册》.doc