32 Class 5 Textbook p.35_第3课时逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 教科版(EEC学院) · 上册

admin182024-01-05 23:07:24


hello boys and girls welcome to my English class im your new English teacher Mrs lee today, we are going to learn unit four i like music, in this class we are going to reveal the main sentence structures of this unit, whats the first class English do you like English?yes, i do no i dont are you ready for the class here we go, boys and girls welcome to the animal school, good morning animals good morning MR bear,sorry, im late oh no the turtle is late what will MR bear say, thats okay, please be on time from now on, the animals have many subjects to learn at school what are they can you guess?


okay lets sit together,Chinese,math,science,English,music,PE,art,computer, okay now look this is their timetable how many classes do they have every day? lets sit together look, there are four so we should choose be? whats the third class on Friday, look English so we should choose see, do you like English? okay now whats the first class on Wednesday, can you answer? yes math do you like m

《32 Class 5 Textbook p.35_第3课时逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 教科版(EEC学院) · 上册》.doc