18 Unit 9 It's one hundred Lesson 2逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 湘少版三年级起点 · 上册

admin132024-01-05 23:21:27


Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Last lesson we've Learned how to count the quantity with numbers, describe time with numbers, and how to add numbers in English. Here are some numbers about you. Is this right? If it is right, you can say, yes, it's right. But if it is not right, you can say, no, it's wrong.


Now read after me. Yes, it's right, no, it's wrong. Are you ready? Here we go. Number one, you are from Grade 4. Right or wrong? No. 2, there are 26 boys in your class. Right or wrong? No. 3, you are 10 years old. Is that right? No. 4, you can count from 1 to 100. Is that right? I think that is right because we did it last class.


No. 5, you are good at math. Is that right? I bet most of you may say, yes, it's right. Are you really good at math? Let me check it. Here is a table about numbers. You must see it in your math class, right? Here are some numbers are missing. Can you tell me what the missing numbers are? Let's listen to their ideas. Are they right?

《18 Unit 9 It's one hundred Lesson 2逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 湘少版三年级起点 · 上册》.doc