8 Unit 4 How old are you? Lesson 2逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 湘少版三年级起点 · 上册

admin162024-01-05 23:21:57


Hello boys and girls I'm miss he welcome back. First let's listen to a song.


1 potato 2 potatoes 3 potatoes 45 potatoes, 6 potatoes 7 potatoes more 1 potato 2 potatoes 3 potatoes 45 potatoes, 6 potatoes 7 potatoes more.


Wow, so many numbers please remember them. And first I want to play a game with you together. Let's make a whole sentence chain when I say how please say old and then SAR and you say you. We make a whole sentence together okay, ready? Go. How are? How? Are? We have how old are you together? And do you know how to answer it? Yes last 10 we mentioned it please use M+ numbers remember it. Okay, boys and girls, who are they? Yes, they are Dino and Tim. What are they talking about? Names? I don't know. Ages maybe. I don't know. What are they talking about? Yes, you can say I don't know. So we don't know the answer. Let's watch the video to find it. Okay. And after watching it, please answer me the second question. How old is Tim? Let's go.


I know. How old are

《8 Unit 4 How old are you? Lesson 2逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 湘少版三年级起点 · 上册》.doc