2 B Your Friends_第2课时逐字稿 初中 · 七年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

admin162024-01-08 09:25:39




get ready be your friends part two。 Look at this picture. If two friends meet in a park, how do they greet each other? What may they say to each other? Yes, they may say hello, good morning, good afternoon.


These are expressions about greetings. And team, get ready. A we reviewed some key expressions, right? Okay, let's read. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, goodbye, bye, good night. So what else may they say to greet each other? Yes, they may say, how are you? Then how do people usually reply to how are you? Yes, we can say fine, I'm very well. Thank you. I'm fine, thanks. How about you? Very well, thank you. And you here, thank you. And thanks. Our expressions to show thanks. Sometimes we also say thank you very much. So when people express text to us, how can we respond? Yes, we can say you're welcome. These are some expressions of greeting and expressing thanks. Let's listen and read.


How are you?


Fine. I'm

《2 B Your Friends_第2课时逐字稿 初中 · 七年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册》.doc