21 Revision 1 第3课时逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 上册

admin212024-01-08 13:32:56


Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to our English class. My name is Cindy. I'm happy to learn English with you. Before class, please have your English book ready. Today we are going to learn revision 1, lesson 3. Let's have fun.


with Phoenix 本课学习目标一能够知道字母a、 e 和 i 在重读音节单词中的读音规律。能够利用上述拼读规律创编小韵文,阅读小故事。能够制作拼读小说,积累词汇 are you ready。


Before our class, here we go. Welcome to our letterland. Today we will learn and play. Here in the letterland, there are 26 houses. They are letters houses. What do the letters say? Let's enjoy a song together. Apple, bus, cow, duck, elephant, fish, girl, igloo, jungle. Kittens. 了Lamb, moon ne ne next, an orange,pig,quack, rainboat 嘶嘶star, train under video whale x x telephone yeah,yo,Zebra。 Great.


Among the 26 letters, there are five magic letters. Can you find them? Yes. They are in the right houses. they are a e i o u we call them vows。 They have magic in English words. Today, we will get to know the magic of letter a, E, I. First, let's go into le

《21 Revision 1 第3课时逐字稿 小学 · 三年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 上册》.doc