8 Unit 2 Boys and Girls 第2课时逐字稿 小学 · 二年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 上册

admin292024-01-08 13:34:20


hello, boys and girls im miss Liu, nice to meet you。


今天我们将一同学习第二单元 boys and girls 第二课时。在第一课时中,同学们已经学习了关于人物、性别、关系等词汇。接下来,我们将学习第二课时 get to know peoples names,了解人们的姓名。我们使用的教材是人教版义务教育教科书英语一年级起点,二年级上册。本节课我们将学习第二单元开篇页及第 13 页。希望通过本科的学习,同学们能够询问和回答人物姓名,能够谈论身边人物的姓名、性别和关系。


are you ready lets。 Begin our class, boys and girls. My name is Anna. What is your name? Do you have friends? Now let's enjoy a chant about friends. What are their names? Let's watch the video.


Today we will meet new friends and ask, what are their names? Are you ready? Let's start. good morning hello。 Good day. Hello, my friend. Good morning. Hello. hello, good day hello my friends what is his name? his name is woody? what is his name? what is his name? what is his name? his name is woody? morning hello。 Good day. Hello, my friend. Good morning. Hello. Good day. Hello, my friend. What a cute little girl. Let's ask her name. What is her name? What is her name? What is her name? Is Wincy. What is her name? Name.

《8 Unit 2 Boys and Girls 第2课时逐字稿 小学 · 二年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 上册》.doc