同学们好,我是北京师范大学附属实验中学的地理老师吕悦。上一章我们学习了地球的宇宙环境及其圈层结构。这一章我们将开始学习第一个自然环境要素,大气。它包围着地球,保护并维系着我们的生存,人类一直努力探索着它的存在。 1960 年,美国基廷格上校乘坐氦气球搭载的简易吊篮上升至 32 千米的高空,创造了热气球上升最高高度和人类通过大气最高速度的历史记录,并在气球的开放吊舱上完成了破纪录的高空跳伞。老师给同学们提供了一份影像,请同学们在观看影像的过程中记录关键信息。回答以下问题。第一个问题,你能看到大气吗?大气是什么样子的?第二个问题,基廷格上校乘坐热气球经过了大气层的哪几个部分?每层大气有什么特点?
At 5:30, Kittenger's preparations are over. He boards the gondola.
Thirty minutes after takeoff, kittenger reaches 29000 feet, the middle of the troposphere. At this altitude, the air is so thin that each breath contains only a third of the oxygen found at sea level. Kittinger breathes from gas bottles connected to a sealed helmet. He's still barely a third of the way to the jump point. There are another 14 miles to go and the air pressure is dropping rapidly. After 89 minutes, he approaches his target altitude. The balloons climb slows and then stalls. Kittenger is in the mid stratosphere, a record 102800 feet high. And it is now time to make the long, swift journey down.